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Winter Concerts

It is concert band season. Our upcoming winter concerts are as follows:

November 15 - JH Band Concert @6pm in the JH gym. Students report at 5:30 in black bottoms (dress slacks or skirt knee length or longer when seated), black socks, black dress shoes (ladies prefer flats, or heel 3" or less), and their JH band shirt.

November 29 - HS Band Concert @6pm in the HS cafeteria. Students report at 5:30 in their concert black/white. Gentlemen black dress slacks, black dress shoes, black socks, black belt and a white collared top. Lades black pants and a white blouse, black skirt and a white blouse, or black dress. Dresses and skirts we ask to be knee length or longer when seated. Dress flats, or heels 3" or less.

December 13 - MS Band Concert @6pm in the MS gym. Students report at 5:15 in dress clothes. Prefer no jeans or tennis shoes.



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