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Valhalla Weather Update

We have been in contact with the directors at Parkview and are watching the weather closely for tomorrow. For now our plan is to move forward with our intended schedule. However, there is a possibility this could change. We will communicate as soon as we know of anything changing through here as well as Remind. For now the only thing we will need adjusted for tomorrow is that all students, staff, and parents helping should have a mask available if we do need to move inside.

Here is the information that Parkview has shared with us:


Potential Weather Plans: CAUTION THIS COULD CHANGE. I am having to give my best educated guess right now based on the forecast.

Best Case Scenario – We are able to do Prelims and Finals with ON-FIELD performances

Most Likely Scenario (Based on the weather forecast) – We plan on trying to get at least Prelims in with ON-FIELD performances, with the understanding that if there is severe rain/wind OR lightning that there could be multiple 30 minute delays per occurrence.

Not-The-Best Scenario – We plan on trying to get Prelims in with ON-FIELD performances, BUT due to long-term Thunderstorms/Heavy Rain/Long-Lasting Lightning we have to MOVE SOME PERFORMANCES INSIDE to our BIG GYM.

Worst-Case Scenario – All performances are moved INSIDE to our BIG GYM.

IF we are performing INSIDE, ALL SPECTATORS AND NON-PERFORMING MEMBERS MUST BE MASKED. This is the policy of the Springfield Public Schools and we MUST follow this protocol. Please communicate this with your students and parents.



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