Upcoming HS Dates/Deadlines
This week:
* Senior Slide Show Information emailed to Mr. Robertson by Thursday March 30th
* Marching Order Forms and Medical Forms Due to a director or the band office by Friday March 31st
* Lettering Forms Due by the end of the the day Thursday March 30th
* PERCUSSION Auditions begin Tuesday March 28 after school till 5
* District Solo/Ensemble is Friday March 31st at MSSU
* WINTER GUARD final parent performance Friday March 31st at 6:45 / MCCGA championships Saturday April 1
* JAZZ SOCIAL Saturday April 1 at Hidden Grace
* State Large Group contest Monday April 3 at Webb City HS
* COLOR GUARD auditions begin Wednesday April 5 at the JH from 4-5:30
* LEADERSHIP applications due Wednesday April 5 to a director of the band office
* Spring Awards Concert Thursday April 6 at 6pm