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Renegade Review

Our third competition is upon us and will be at the Renegade Review at Tulsa Union High School on Saturday, October, 8! The schedule is as follows:

7:00 a.m. – Arrive at the high school and begin loading

(EAT BEFORE YOU ARRIVE – boosters will also provide a snack bag for the day)

7:30 a.m. – Depart to Union

9:45 a.m. – Arrive @Union, check-in, unload, use restroom, and immediately get into uniform

11:00 a.m. – Warm-Up/Tune

11:40 a.m. – Move to staging area


(after our performance we will get out of uniform, eat, and return to the stadium to watch bands)

4:15 p.m. – Awards presentation - 12 highest scores will move on to finals


9:45 p.m. – Finals Awards

10:10 p.m. – Load buses and trailers

10:30 p.m.’ish’ – Depart

12:00 a.m.’ish’ – Arrive in Neosho. Unload bus, and trailer.

We will send text alerts on when we will return. If we do not make finals, then we will load and then depart. If we do make finals, then we will depart shortly after the finals awards presentation. Could be back as early as 7:00pm and as late as 1am. If we do make finals then having money available for concessions may be needed.

What you need to bring: your band shirt, black athletic shorts, long black socks, your instrument, mallets, sticks, reeds, flags, rifles, marching shoes, gloves, water bottle with water, sunblock, and any money you may want for concessions.

If we do not make finals then we will eat and depart. If we do make finals, then a potential additional meal may be determined after our placement is announced, or concessions. Lunch will be Whataburgers, chips, fruit, cookie and a drink. We are looking for chips, cookies, pop, fruit, salad, and water to be donated. Concessions will also be available.

This performance will be held at Tuttle Stadium 6636 S Mingo Rd., Tulsa. Ticketing information can be found at:

Be courteous to other groups and to each other! Remember, you are representing the band, music department, the school, and all of Neosho! Please conduct yourselves accordingly!

Thank you!



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