Marching Band Information
A letter is going home with students this week with the following information for marching band including; the show, camp schedule, performance schedule, camp needs and contact information. This is the same information received in March, with some more details.
2022 Marching Show Info
Show Title: “Ringmaster”
Concept: The Wildcat Pride Band’s “Ringmaster” will take our audience on a journey to a circus to include humor, amazing talents, circus acts, and more.
Music Selections:
“The Show Must Go On” by Queen
“The Breakfast Machine” from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
“Circus” by Britney Spears
“Tritsch Tratsch Polka” by Strauss Jr.
“Flying Trapeze” Folk Song by George Leybourne
“Light Cavalry Overture” by Franz Von Suppe
“Dance of the Hours” from La Gioconda
2022 Band Camp Schedule
(All sessions are mandatory and @ the High School)
July 27-29 (Wed to Fri) - 9:00am to 4:30pm
Leadership / Percussion / Color Guard
Aug 1 (Mon) - 8:00am to 5:00pm - Freshman Orientation
Freshman/Leadership/Percussion/Color Guard
“Full Wildcat Pride Band Camp”
Aug 2-5 (Tues to Fri) - 7:00am to 4:00pm
Aug 8 (Mon) - 7:00am to 4:00pm
Aug 9 (Tues) - 7:00am to 7:00pm
Aug 10 (Wed) - 7:00am to 4:00pm
Aug 11 (Thurs) - 7:00am to 7:00pm
Aug 12 (Fri) - 7:00am to 4:00pm
Aug 15, 16, 18 (Mon, Tues, Thurs) - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
August 19th Parent Preview Performance
First performance of our show for All Family and Friends!
Students Report - TBA Performance Begins - 6:00
--> Please Contact us with any Questions/Conflicts <--
Practice Schedule
Regular Practice Schedule - 7:00 am through 1st Hour
Sectionals - Will be scheduled by each section during band camp. These will occur once a week after school.
Performance Schedule
Football Games - Students report @ 5:00pm
August 26th
Sept 9th
Sept 30th - “Homecoming”
Competitions - All Day/Night Events… Times TBA
Sept 17th - CJ Marching Festival - @ Carl Junction HS
Oct 1st - Valhalla Marching Festival - @ Parkview HS (Springfield, MO)
Oct 8th - Renegade Review - @ Union HS (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Oct 14th to 15th - @ BOA Dallas Regional (Dallas, Texas)
Other Performances
Sept 29th - Time TBA - Homecoming Parade
Oct 22nd - 3:00pm - Final Performance Run - @ Neosho HS Stadium
December TBA - Goodman Christmas Parade
December TBA - Neosho Christmas Parade
Camp Related Information
Needed Supplies (Email directors if needing assistance with items below)
Water Bottle (Bigger the better please! Half gallon or bigger) - we will have a custom band 30oz option available for $25
Athletic Attire (No hot clothes!!! - We want to avoid overheating)
Tennis Shoes (Athletic style shoes… no open toed footwear!)
3 Ring Binder (any color is fine) w/ sheet protectors
Flip Folder
Mechanical Pencil
Instrument and accessories (unless school is providing)
Color Guard only: Guard Gloves, equipment bag, and rifle
Money for food or packed lunch - For full day camp dates only!
Other Considerations for Students
Stay hydrated and eat appropriate meals.
Carpooling is okay under parent consideration and approval.
For extra help during camp, ask student leadership or directors! We would love to be of assistance!
Communication is the only way to help make any situation go smoothly, so please keep in contact with us and help the Directors make this the best season possible!
Social Media & Contact Info
Band Website (also contains yearly calendar)
Band Facebook
Neosho Wildcat Band
Band Remind
To: 81010
For band students text: @chinup
For band parents text: @NeoshoHSbp
Please reply with your name. If a parent then also “parent of ‘student name’”
Mr. Duffield - - Director of Bands
Charms - Login: parents / students / members
NeoshoHSband is the login
Student ID# is the password
Band Fee
$100 per year - Goes towards supplementing costs for the season to include hotels, shirts, food, etc.
Check Charms (Login above) for details on your account.