JH District Honor Band Auditions
Junior High Honor Band Auditions
Friday, January 6, 2023 – JH Honor Band Auditions,
Joplin High School, 3:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
7th and 8th grade band students who submitted a permission slip will be auditioning for the Southwest Missouri District honor band Friday January 6. Below are some details for that event. Please contact with any questions.
REMIND 101: The directors will send an invite on Friday with the parent contact provided to sign up for the honor band Remind 101 messages.
We will be departing from the Neosho Junior High band room right after school. Students will need to meet in the band room to get their things. We will leave after the regular school buses have departed.
Bring money to eat. A concession stand will be provided for students to purchase dinner. ~$5-$10 should be enough. Students are allowed to bring their own dinner.
The auditions are closed to the public . No one will be allowed into the room to watch the auditions.
Dress in school appropriate clothes. You can dress up if you want to but the judges cannot see you. Though dressing nice sometimes helps your mindset (dress for success)
We do not know the exact time auditions will be over. They try to be done by 9:00 p.m. We will post on the Neosho Wildcat Band facebook page when we are leaving and send a Remind101 when we depart Joplin.
Students will call home when we are about 15 minutes away.
Pick your student up from the Neosho Junior High front entrance.
If you are attending the event you may check out your student with Mrs. Gorman. You will need to come inside to get your student. Students may finish their audition early but keep in mind that they may want to stay and see the results posted later in the evening.
If your student is selected the rehearsal and concert will be Saturday, January 14th. (that will be an all day event starting early in the morning, and ending with a concert early evening…more detailed information provided to students making the ensemble)
If you turned in a permission slip but do not go to the audition then you are responsible for the $15 registration fee.