Final Picture Retakes
Our photographer contacted us that parents/students have contacted him that they didn't know there were pictures or even retakes. (Even though this was communicated multiple ways).
He has agreed to do a final round of retakes again on Wednesday, November 18th & Thursday, November 19th from 1:00-4:00pm. Those that have missed retakes should try to plan one of those times with him. This may be difficult with other activities you are now involved with, and why we tried the previous times to avoid such conflicts. He will have order forms there when you go if you want to order pictures, or even if you are just going to get a picture taken for the yearbook, that is fine too.
This is your last opportunity to get a picture from Mr. Sexton for this project this year.
We could still take a picture of you for the yearbook, if we need to, but it won't be the quality of Mr. Sexton, nor match the other pictures in the yearbook. However, we will make sure every student is pictured.