District Honor Band Cuts
Here are the cuts for the district honor band auditions. Packets are in the front of the band room if you have not yet picked one up. Auditions are November 8. We will post sign ups over the next two weeks.
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, Db, Eb, A
Minor Scales: c, e
Excerpt 1: Advanced Method pg. 50 #3: ALL
Excerpt 2: Selected Studies pg. 10: Beginning to Line 6 m.2 (stop at double bar)
Excerpt 3: Selected Studies pg. 27: Line 8 m. 3 to END
Oboe/English Horn
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: C, E, F, Ab
Minor Scales: a, d
Excerpt 1: Selected Studies pg. 21: Beginning to Line 3 m. 3 beat 3
Excerpt 2: Advanced Method Pg. 9 Line 27: ALL
Excerpt 3: Advanced Method pg. 35: ALL
Bb Soprano Clarinet
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: C, E, Ab, Db
Minor Scales: f, b
Excerpt 1: Thirty-two Etudes pg. 6 #5: Beginning until end of line 4
Excerpt 2: Thirty-two Etudes pg. 24 #24: Beginning until last measure of line 6, beat 1
Excerpt 3: Klose pg. 127 A Major: All
Bass Clarinet
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, E, Ab, Eb
Minor Scales: c, f
Excerpt 1: 21 Foundation Studies pg. 21 #13: measure 17 to END
Excerpt 2: Introducing pg. 11 #1: All
Excerpt 3: Introducing pg. 15 #4: All
Alto Saxophone
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, A, Db, F
Minor Scales: f#, d
Excerpt 1: Selected Studies pg. 5: Line 5, measure 3 to END
Excerpt 2: Selected Studies pg. 7: First three lines
Excerpt 3: Universal-Prescott pg. 214 Lines 7-10: All
Tenor Saxophone
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: C, A, Bb, Eb
Minor Scales: g, a
Excerpt 1: Selected Studies pg. 8: First 5 lines
Excerpt 2: Selected Studies pg. 15: Line 6, measure 2 to END
Excerpt 3: Universal-Prescott pg. 212 #6: All
Baritone Saxophone
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, D, Eb, F
Minor Scales: b, c
Excerpt 1: Selected Studies pg. 3: Beginning to line 5, measure 1
Excerpt 2: Selected Studies pg. 6: Line 6, measure 2 beat 3 to END
Excerpt 3: Universal-Prescott pg. 214 First three lines: ALL
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, E, Db, Bb
Minor Scales: c, e
Excerpt 1: Arban pg. 189 #139: ALL
Excerpt 2: Arban pg. 206 #57: ALL
Excerpt 3: Arban pg. 293 #9: ALL
Horn in F
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: G, D, Ef, F
Minor Scales: f, c
Excerpt 1: Pottag-Hovey pg. 39 #162: ALL
Excerpt 2: 60 Selected Studies pg. 8 #12: Beginning to 1st ending (end of line 4)
Excerpt 3: Preparatory Melodies pg. 3 #5: ALL (Including D.C.)
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: D, C, Ab, Eb
Minor Scales: c, d
Excerpt 1: Arban pg. 40 #31: ALL
Excerpt 2: Arban pg. 201 #139: ALL
Excerpt 3: Melodious Etudes: Beginning to Line 5 m.2 beat 1
Treble Clef Baritone
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: D, Eb, C, Ab
Minor Scales: c, d
Excerpt 1: Arban pg. 47 #29: All
Excerpt 2: Arban pg. 190 #143: All
Excerpt 3: Arban pg. 309 #3: Line 2 m.1 to Line 5 m.2 beat 4 (stop after dotted half)
Bass Clef Baritone
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: C, Eb, Db, A
Minor Scales: f, c
Excerpt 1: Arban pg. 52 #29: All
Excerpt 2: Arban pg. 202 #143 All
Excerpt 3: Arban pg. 225 #1: Lines 8,9,10 w/repeats
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: A, Eb, Bb, C
Minor Scales: e, d
Excerpt 1: Advanced Method pg. 33 #7: ALL
Excerpt 2: Advanced Method pg. 36 #12: ALL
Excerpt 3: Practical Studies pg. 26 #109: Beginning to Line 5 m. 3 (stop at fermata)
General Percussion Option
Chromatic Scale
Major Scales: A, E, Db, G
Minor Scales: d, e
Rudiment: Buzz roll
Snare - Portraits in Rhythm pg. 26 #24: Line 6 m.6 to END
Two Mallet - Masterpieces for Marimba pg. 30 Sonata: Pickups to letter A to letter C
Four Mallet - Sequential Studies pg 52 Andante for Marimba: ALL
Timpani: Etude #3 (from MBA website): m.9 - m.28
Accessory: Set #3 (from MBA website): Beginning to m. 35