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Busy Week

We have a busy week.

Thursday September 14 is the homecoming parade. The parade is downtown and begins at 7pm. Band students will meet in front of the library with their instruments in uniform B by 6:30pm. We will have the band room open after school for them to pickup their instruments. They can return them directly after the parade, or just bring them Friday morning. Please return the student parade release form.

Friday September 15 is the homecoming pep rally, game, and dance.

Students will be released at 1:20 to get instruments and setup in the stadium for the pep rally (uniform B)

They will report at 5:15 for the game. We are wearing uniforms Friday evening for the first time this season. Please remember to have black athletic shorts for under the uniform, as well as long black athletic socks. Students with long hair will need to have their hair in a bun on the crown of their head. Please have hair clean if boosters need to assist pinning hair up. Some may need to have small ponytails.

At 9:30 the band hosts the dance in the cafeteria (we could still use parent chaperones for that event). The dance ends at 11.

Saturday September 16 is our first competition of the season at the Carl Junction Marching Invitational. Students need to report to the high school at 12pm. The information can be found here:



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