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Busy December

We have a busy December. Below is an outline of events coming up:

12/2 - HS Band - End-Zone Facility Grand Opening - 2021 Marching Shirt & Jeans, Report to band room at 10:30 to get instrument, pep binder, music stand, and head out to the end-zone facility. Will eat last lunch that day.

12/3-12/4 - HS Band - All-State Band Auditions. Have an overnight bag, and some money for meals and activities. After lunch we will load the bus and depart to Columbia. Auditions happen Saturday morning at Hickman High School. We will be staying at the Stoney Creek Hotel.

12/4 - HS Band - Neosho Parade. Band room will be open at 3:30pm. Stop in to get your uniform on, and pickup your instrument. Will report to College St. between McCord and Brooke to warmup and line up by 5. Parade begins at 6pm.

12/6 - JH Band - District Honor Band Audition Slips Turned in. We need to register students auditioning for district honor band in January and need their signed permission slips returned by this date for us to register them.

12/9 - MS Band - Winter Concert. Students should report to the band room by 5:30pm with their instrument, music, and dressed nice (no tennis shoes, t-shirts, or jeans). Concert begins at 6pm in the middle school gym.

12/11 - HS Band - Goodman Parade. Band room will be open at 3:30pm. Students will get uniforms on, and get instruments loaded onto the bus and trailer. We will depart by bus to Goodman at 4:45. When we arrive we will warmup, lineup, and march the parade which begins at 6pm. We will bus back to Neosho when done. Students will unload, get out of uniform, and will then be released.

12/13 - HS Band - Activity Night - Students can come relax and enjoy a social event with the band. This will run from 5:30-8pm. Band ambassadors are hosting and will share more details with the band.

12/14 - HS Band - Pepcats Boys game versus Monett- More information regarding times as it gets closer.

12/16 - MS Band - Activity Night - Students can come relax and enjoy a social event of snacks, and games. This will run after school till 5pm.



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