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MAY 13 - Alumni Band and the new PAC

I have been given word that we are good to advertise May 13th (Yes! A SATURDAY by design) as an official date by our central office and through Branco's construction schedule. This date will be our first major performance in the new Performing Arts Center. The event will feature some of our top ensembles, and conclude with our full band performing a piece with band alumni under the direction of Mr. Kelso. With this now being official we do have some planning on our end. For alumni/full band rehearsal of the music we are planning a 3pm dress rehearsal (~one hour) at the new Performing Arts Center, and a concert at 6pm. Both on May 13th which hopefully can assist those traveling from outside the state. After our original alumni inquiry on instrument needs I am thinking I will likely have to look at avenues outside of just our personal inventory.

I am including a commitment form for the alumni similar to the last one, however, your commitment may have changed now that you know an official date. Also, if there is any way that you could get an instrument to use for the day (old one, loaner one, etc.) that will greatly help. However, I am committed to getting something to you if you are in need. Please let us know your instrument need no later than April 3rd if possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Also, alumni, please fill out the new form I shared in this email. I will use that as further alumni correspondence.



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