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Band Camp Schedule

So It Begins...

The band staff eagerly awaits the beginning of the 2019 marching band season. We anticipate the arrival of all students and are excited for the potential of this season! This season marks our first BOA Grand National Campaign, the unveiling of the Wildcat Pride Band Semi, and a show that symbolizes it all… “Under Construction”!

This letter is to help you feel ready for band camp. On the following pages should be “What to Bring”, the general “Calendar” for band camp, and “Student Expectations”. Please go through each page as a family so everyone can be on the same page! Please note that the schedule posted will not spell out every single thing we do during the day, but should help parents know when to take a student to the school and pick them up!

It is mandatory for all students to be at band camp! The attendance of all students in marching band does directly affect all other students in the organization and their ability to rehearse/perform the show! One person missing is the same as a clock or machinery with a cog or part missing… it doesn’t work! As a reminder, we do share time with sports and other activities which must be worked out ahead of time by the student with the coach/activity sponsor and band director.

Important: Please message us on the Neosho Wildcat Band Facebook page if getting a ride to band camp is a problem so we can assist in finding anyone that may be close enough for carpooling!

If you have any questions please email or visit our Wildcat Band Facebook page and send us a message.

We are all ecstatic and look forward to the beginning of a phenomenal year!

Head Director: Mr. Duffield

Assistant Directors: Mr. Robertson, Mr. Reader, Mr. Brown

What to Bring


  • Brass and Woodwinds only - Bring a shoelace (you will use it!)

  • Sunscreen (Recommend the Spray SPF50+)

  • Deodorant

  • Hat or Visor

  • Athletic Clothing

  • Athletic Shoes (No open toe shoes, sandals, or flip flops)

  • Water (Recommend a Camelbak or Bubba Keg)

  • We will be doing water breaks frequently when outside!



  • Instrument (Unless school is supplying)

  • Accessories: Includes reeds, valve oil, sticks/mallets, or any other necessary items

  • 1 Inch, Black, 3 Ring Binder w/ sheet protectors and clear window insert

  • Any marching show or pep music that you may have

  • Flip Folder that is designed for your instrument

  • Drumline and Guard: Equipment just like during your mini-camp



  • Money or packed meal for lunch every day.

  • Dinner will be provided on the longer days!


July 31st Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm

August 1st Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm

August 2nd Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm


August 5th Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm

August 6th Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm

August 7th Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm

August 8th Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm

August 9th Friday 7:00am - 5:00pm


* August 12th Monday Times TBA

* August 13th Tuesday Times TBA

August 15th Thursday Times TBA (Evening Rehearsal)

* August 19th Tuesday 5:00pm - 8:00pm

* August 26th Tuesday 5:00pm - 8:00pm


Other August Dates

Parent Preview August 16th Friday 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Pride Night August 17th Saturday 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Arkansas Naturals Game August 27th Tuesday 3:00pm - 9:00pm

Band Booster Meeting 1st Tuesday of the Month 6:00pm - 7:00pm

  • We are always in need of parents to assist!!! Skills or not you are valuable.

Sectionals: During the school year - Will be talked about during band camp with the students and are TBA.

Student Expectations


  1. Students are expected to keep good grades due to MSHSAA, the Wildcat Standards… and more importantly… your parents’ standards. Failure to do so will affect you and your band family!


  1. Show up early to prepare to be ready before the schedule states

  2. Come physically and mentally prepared to do your best

  3. Play your instrument some before band camp (This will really help!)

  4. Eat proper food and beverages before camp and during camp


  1. Find ways to show up to rehearsal prepared

  2. All band personnel treat others with positivity and professionalism

  3. Listen to the directors with detail and willingness!

  4. Keep an active mind (work those brain muscles!)

  5. Find ways to make yourself, your section, and the band better

  6. Work to be the “outstanding section”, not “better than other sections”

  7. Memorize your music and drill the BEST you can!

  8. Never leave a rehearsal without the authority of a director

Social (Integrity)

  1. Use social media as if your parents or directors are going to see it

  2. Seek ways to spend time with people other than your “best friends”

  3. We use constructed communication, not gossip (even if venting)

  4. Find ways to make the season fun and positive minded!

Field Etiquette (Field rehearsal procedure will be explained during the beginning of camp!)

  1. Do not talk unless directed to do so by “The Box”

  2. Always listen to directions from “The Box”, Staff, and then Drum Majors

  3. Think about where you are, where you came from, where you are going

  4. The leadership will not talk unless directed to do so… but should be examples… follow them!

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