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State Solo/Ensemble Schedule

State Solo/Ensemble Festival Itinerary

Thursday, April 26

1:30 p.m. - You will be released from class, load buses

2:00 p.m. – Depart high school

(We will possibly stop at a mall, check in at the hotel, and eat dinner during this time.)

9:30 p.m. – Everyone in their rooms for inspection

11:00 p.m. – Lights Out

Hotel - Stony Creek Hotel

  • 2601 S Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203. (573) 442-6400

  • Students will be assigned rooms. You must stay in your room until morning. All rooms will be taped for verification. Tape removed in the morning


Friday - April 27

6:00 a.m. – Wake up, get ready, and eat breakfast (Breakfast free at hotel)

7:30 a.m. – Check-out, load, and depart hotel

7:45 a.m. – Arrive at MU, unload, find performance rooms, and warm-up

  • Get everything you will need off of the bus at this time!

8:14 a.m. – 1:50 p.m. - Perform, watch performances, support each other

  • Show up 15 minutes before performance already warmed up!

2:30’ish p.m. – Depart MU and head to Neosho

  • We will leave time for a pit stop and a dinner break along the way. Bring $$

7:30 p.m.’ish’ – Arrive in Neosho. Unload bus.

What you need to bring: Your performance clothes, instrument, mallets, sticks, reeds, money for one lunch and dinner (both days), and possible shopping money, clothes to change into, an overnight bag, extra pillows and blankets if you prefer for sleep etc. Bring something to snack on if you will get hungry during the ride there or back.


Be courteous to other groups and to each other over this two-day event! Remember, you are representing the band, music department, the school, and all of Neosho!

Please conduct yourselves accordingly!

Friday’s Performance Schedule


8:14 Sasha Stanko Room 145 Fine Arts Building

10:13 Melia Robertson Room 204 South Memorial Union

10:41 Madison Ditzler Room 111 Tate Hall

11:02 Dana Stanko Room 203 South Memorial Union

11:51 Kai Kelso A.P. Green Chapel South Memorial Hall


1:08 Jack Overby Room 1 Stotler North Memorial Union

1:29 Mixed WW Trio Room 102 Tate Hall

1:43 Percussion Ensemble Room 1 Stotler North Memorial Union

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