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Ozark Mountain Marching Competition

Our fourth competition is upon us and will be at the Ozark Mountain Marching Festival on Saturday, October, 14! The schedule is as follows:

11:30 p.m. – Arrive at the high school and begin loading buses and trailers


11:50 p.m. – Depart to Reeds Springs

1:15 p.m. – Arrive in Reeds Springs, check-in, unload, and immediately get into uniform

1:45 p.m. – Move to visual warm-up

1:50 p.m. – Visual warm-up

2:10 p.m. – Move to musical warm-up

2:15 p.m. – Musical warm-up

2:35 p.m. – Move to staging area


3:15 p.m. – Scheduled picture

(after the picture we will get out of uniform and go watch prelim awards)

4:00 p.m. – Awards presentation (fourteen bands will move on to finals, 3 class A, 3 class B, 4 class C, 2 class D and 2 wild cards– 1 for next highest score in A and B, and 1 for next highest in C and D)

(depending on whether we make finals, and our finals placement, we will decide when we will eat dinner)


10:00 p.m. – Finals Awards (FULL RETREAT IN UNIFORM)

10:15 p.m. – Load buses and trailers

10:45 p.m.’ish’ – Depart

12:15 a.m.’ish’ – Arrive in Neosho. Unload bus, and trailer.

What you need to bring: your band shirt, black athletic shorts, long black socks, your instrument, mallets, sticks, reeds, flags, rifles, sabres marching shoes, gloves, and any money you may want for concessions.

If we do not make finals then we will eat and depart. If we do make finals then our dinner will be determined after our placement is announced. Dinner will be BBQ, chips, cookies, and a drink. We are looking for cookies, pop, and water to be donated. Concessions will also be available.

This performance will be held at Reeds Spring High School, 20277 MO-413, Reeds Spring MO. Admission to the competition is $7 for adults ($5 for seniors) and $3 for children (6 and under are free).

Be courteous to other groups and to each other! Remember, you are representing the band, music department, the school, and all of Neosho! Please conduct yourselves accordingly!

Thank you!

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