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Arkansas Naturals Performance

Last night the Wildcat Pride Marching Band traveled to Springdale to perform at the Arkansas Naturals baseball game. On the way down there we had a bus breakdown as well as problems with the trailer. Luckily we left early enough to drop off one bus load and send the bus back to get the others. We got everyone to the stadium approximately five minutes before we had to enter the field. Super quick warmup and the kids were extremely professional entering the field. They did excellent performing before the game and outstanding on the national anthem. Especially, considering the circumstances.

I had a number of people from the Naturals come up to the other directors, the drivers, and myself, commenting on how well we did and how well behaved and polite the kids were. From people working the gate to tour guides and even the vice president. I also had random people come up to me throughout the game talking about how well we played including a band director from that area who seemed extremely interested to learn more about bands from southwestern Missouri after hearing us stating he, 'didn't hear a single sour note'.

The kids had fun, played well, and even senior drum major, Taylor McNeill, got to throw out the first pitch. It was a great first trip for us this season. We are extremely thankful for the the assistance we received from the drivers and from Vick and Dave who came down to repair the bus, pick up the trailer with a different vehicle and brought another bus down to drive the students home with an additional driver.

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