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Upcoming Junior High Dates

A letter was sent home today with students. Here is a combined version for both 7th and 8th grade events.

With the spring semester underway so are a number of band activities. To keep you posted here is a summary of upcoming events.

Thursday March 23rd – Junior High Parent Showcase

This event will be held in the high school cafeteria between 5:30pm-7:30pm. This event will be a time to talk with directors, look at student achievements from the year, and discuss future planning in the band program.

Saturday April 1st – MCCGA Championships

This is the Mid-Continent Color Guard Association circuit championships, and will be held at Willard, Ozark, and Nixa high schools. This is an indoor color guard and drumline competition that we are going to watch. This trip is only open to 8th – 11th grade students who play percussion or are interested in participating with the color guard during marching band season. Tickets for this event are $15 good at all locations. This money is due Friday, March 10th. Students will also need dinner/concession money the day of the event. We will depart at 12:30pm and should return around 10pm.

Tuesday April 4th – NEO JH Instrumental Festival

This event will be held at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, OK. We do not yet have a performance time from the festival, but have requested a performance earlier in the day to accommodate sports events in the evening. We will have a detailed letter going home about this event, as it gets closer. Students will need to bring money for a fast-food lunch that day, and will need to dress in their black and white dress clothes to be uniformed for contest.

Tuesday April 18th and Thursday April 20th – MS/JH Recital Night

This event will be held at the middle school in the band room, and choir rooms. This event is for select students who signup to perform a solo and/or ensemble. They would signup to perform at only one of these nights. Students will be expected to dress nice for their performance. Performance times will be in a couple different hour-long blocks between 5:30 and 7:30pm.

Friday April 21st – Pasta and Jazz

This event will be held at the Neosho Civic. It is held as a ticketed dinner fundraiser for the band program. The high school Jazz Ensemble and JH/HS Jazz Too will perform at this event. Other small ensembles are invited to perform at this event as well. Participating students would be expected to dress nice for their performance. Dinner would be provided to the performing students. Doors will open at 6pm with dinner and the concert beginning at 6:30. Tickets and more information will be available soon.

Saturday April 22nd – Mid-American Music Festival

This event will be held at Pittsburg State University. Select students will participate in this event. Students performing a solo will need to pay an $8 entry fee. Students performing an ensemble will need to pay a $4 entry fee. Entry fees will need to be paid by Friday, March 7th. Participating students would be expected to dress nice for their performance. Students will also need to bring money for a fast-food lunch. We do not have performance times yet, but will get those out to you as the festival gets events scheduled.

Thursday May 11th – JH Awards Concert

This event will be held in the high school cafeteria. Students will need to report by 5:45pm in their concert black and white dress clothes for a uniformed performance. The concert will begin at 6:30pm. This particular event will last approximately an hour as we also hand out awards for various achievements in band throughout the year.

Tuesday May 16th – Lazer Force Reward Trip

Each year we reward the 7th grade band with a trip to Lazer Force Lazer Tag in Joplin. We will depart the school at noon, and be back by 3pm. The band reserves the facility and will be the only group there. Lazer Force will have a meal deal available that will include 2 pieces of pizza and a drink for $5. Full pizzas, drinks, and snacks will also be available at their concession stand. However, they can pick up lunch before we depart the school if they prefer. Students can also bring money to play arcade games if they like. Each round of laser tag is included in our rental and will cost the students nothing. To be eligible for this trip, students will need to perform at our NEO competition, perform at our spring concert, be passing all of their classes, and not have any disciplinary problems with any teachers.

Wednesday May 17th – Silver Dollar City Reward Trip

Each year we reward the 8th grade band with a trip to Silver Dollar City. We will depart the school 1st hour, and be back around 6pm. Tickets are $35 and include a meal and drink at the park. That day students will wear their 8th grade band shirt and jeans. If they have not yet paid for their shirt it is $10. All money is due Wednesday April 27th. To be eligible for this trip, students will need to perform at our NEO competition, perform at our spring concert, be passing all of their classes, and not have any disciplinary problems with any teachers. Any student who has a season pass will not need to buy a ticket, but would need to bring their pass the day of the trip as well as money for lunch.

For more up-to-date information you can always visit our website or you can find us on Facebook at Neosho Wildcat Bands, as well as sign-up for text alerts.

Text @764d0 to (501) 251-6259 to be added to the 7th grade band text notifications

Text @bandaids to (573) 303-5314 to be added to the 8th grade band text notifications

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