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7th/8th Grade Honor Band Results

Tonight the 7th and 8th grade band students auditioned for the Southwest Missouri Music Educators Association Honor Band. The students did awesome! Neosho will be represented well at the clinic and concert next Saturday sending the most students in recent history AND with extremely high results. The directors are extremely proud of all the students who auditioned and we are very happy to announce that the following students made this prestigious band:

7th Grade Abigail Cooley - Flute Evian Keels - Flute Melia Robertson - Flute Trinity Morgan - Flute Kaley Lowe - Flute Daylen Cobb - Clarinet (1st Chair Overall) Charlotte Boettier - Clarinet Garrett Huff - Clarinet Courtney Wheeler - Clarinet Brylee King - Clarinet Nicole Fears - Oboe (1st Chair Overall) Jeremiah Larson - Trumpet Austin Briley - Trumpet Kimberly Goff - Baritone Blake Garwood - Percussion (1st Chair Overall) Colton Condreay - Percussion Serenity Mayfield - Percussion

8th Grade Madison Ditzler - Clarinet Dylan McNeill - Clarinet Connor Burghart - Clarinet Julian Henderson - Baritone Audrey Paige - Percussion Kyndall Davidson - Percussion Liam Pacheco - Percussion



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