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MSHSAA State Large Group Results


Wednesday, April 15th, the high school bands traveled to Webb City to participate in the MSHSAA State Large Group contest. We had three groups performing, our symphonic band, our concert band, and our percussion orchestra. All three did EXTREMELY well.

Symphonic Band on stage received straight division 1 ratings from ALL of the judges. In sight reading they struggled a bit and received a 2 from the judge. Their overall rating for the day was a 1.

Concert Band on stage received a 2 from two judges, and a 1 from the middle judge. In sight reading they did outstanding and received a 1 from the sight-reading judge. So their overall rating for the day was also a 1.

Percussion Orchestra is still going strong. None of the judges have given them anything less than a 1 since we started percussion orchestra here 2 years ago, and that continued today. All the judges gave them a 1 on stage, and they don't do sight reading so their overall rating for the day was a 1.

Neosho was the only school that took multiple events and received a 1 in every event. Neosho was also the only school of the day to receive a division 1 rating for their second band.

It was a good day for the Neosho band program!

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