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District Solo/Ensemble Information

The district solo/ensemble contest at MSSU is upon us! Our schedule for next Friday, March 27th is as follows:

7:00 a.m. – Arrive at the High School and immediately load the bus

7:30 a.m. – Depart high school for MSSU

8:00 a.m. – Arrive at MSSU, check-in, find performance rooms, warm-up

8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Perform, watch performances, support each other, and warm-up (show up 30 minutes before performance)

12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Eat lunch at Northpark Mall (will need money)

***1:15 p.m. – Students that are done performing will return to the high school

1:15 p.m. – 5:00 Perform, watch performances, support each other, and warm-up (show up 30 minutes before performance)

5:30 p.m. – Load the bus and depart for HS

6:00 p.m.(ish) – Arrive in Neosho. Unload bus, and then head home.

Individual performance times and locations are on the second page of this letter.

What you need to bring: your instrument and music as well as all sticks/mallets, reeds, valve oil/cork grease, etc. You will need money to eat lunch at the food court in the Northpark Mall.


Boys-dress slacks (NO JEANS, SHORTS, or CARGO PANTS), Dress shoes (NO TENNIS SHOES) with a belt to match your shoes, as well as a dress shirt (no writing on shirt or under shirt). Tie and jacket is optional.

Girls-dress pants, dress, or skirt (knee length or longer) with a blouse or dress top. Dress shoes. Heel is okay (3” or less).

Remember, you are representing yourself, the band, the school, and all of Neosho! Be courteous to other groups and to each other! Please conduct yourselves accordingly at each location!

Thank you!

Dan Duffield

Director of Bands


8:35 Karyme Martinez Beimdiek Rm 341

8:42 Cameron Langley Fine Arts Rm 208

8:49 Brad Jordon Fine Arts Rm 208

8:56 Lizbeth Martinez Beimdiek Rm 343

8:56 Brass Quintet 1 Fine Arts Rm 108

8:56 DJ Robinson Fine Arts Rm 208

9:03 Jace Hendricks Fine Arts Rm 108

9:03 Flute Quartet 1 Beimdiek Rm 343

9:17 Carter Brockman Fine Arts Rm 108

9:17 Tori Clark Beimdiek Rm 343

9:24 Dylan Gasche Fine Arts Rm 108

9:24 Clarinet Quartet 1 Beimdiek Rm 343

9:47 Kai Kelso Fine Arts Rm 222

9:52 Tantyn Skaggs Beimdiek Rm 343

9:54 Sam Cordova Fine Arts Rm 222

10:01 Perc. Ens. 3 Fine Arts Rm 222

10:08 Perc. Ens. 1 Fine Arts Rm 222

10:10 Gus Bradbury Fine Arts Rm 208

10:12 Randy Lemus Beimdiek Rm 309

10:19 Savannah Coffey Beimdiek Rm 309

10:24 Tristan Bailey Fine Arts Rm 222

10:26 Jackson Collinsworth Beimdiek Rm 309

10:26 Trey Valentine Beimdiek Rm 343

10:33 Grace Dunn Beimdiek Rm 309

10:40 Tim Crawley Beimdiek Rm 309

10:45 Flute Trio 1 Beimdiek Rm 356

10:52 Sax Quartet Beimdiek Rm 356

10:59 Julie Lara Beimdiek Rm 356

11:06 Julia Houk Beimdiek Rm 356

11:06 Paden Gunlock Beimdiek Rm 341

11:13 Emily Selage Beimdiek Rm 356

11:20 Sax Sextet Beimdiek Rm 356

3:34 Austin Long Fine Arts Rm 222

3:36 Trombone Quartet 1 Fine Arts Rm 108

3:43 John Crosby Fine Arts Rm 108

4:20 Brett Barnes Fine Arts Rm 222

4:41 Jordan Mendoza Fine Arts Rm 222

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