DCI: Big, Loud, and Live
Check out the Drum Corps International Quarterfinal competition tonight streaming live - DCI: Big, Loud, and Live tonight at the Regal...
Drill Posted
The drill video and charts for your 2016 marching show, "Pulling Strings" has been posted. Check it out!
6th-8th Grade Spring Awards Concert
Reminder: 6th-8th Grade Spring Awards Concert also featuring Jazz Too will be tomorrow, May 10th, at 6:30pm in the HS Gym. Students...
2016 Wildcat Pride Marching Band Drum Majors
Congratulations to Dylan Gasche and Cassondra Garcia; your 2016 Wildcat Pride Marching Band Drum Majors!
District Solo/Ensemble
The district solo/ensemble contest at MSSU is upon us! Our schedule for next Saturday, April 2nd, is as follows: 7:00 a.m. – Arrive at...
FINAL Pep Cats Game 2016
Reminder: Tomorrow night, Thursday February 25th, will be the last game the Pepcats will be performing in this year. Pepcats GOLD band....
Jazz @ the Junction
Here is the schedule for the Carl Junction Jazz Festival, "Jazz@ the Junction" this Friday, February 19. This event is in the Jerry B....
Pep Assembly
Reminder: Pepcats (BLACK&GOLD) will be performing at the pep assembly tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27th. Please where your pepcats shirt...
No Concert Tonight!!!
Due to the district canceling school today for hazardous road conditions, we are also canceling the 7th and 8th grade band concert...
7th/8th Grade Honor Band Results
Tonight the 7th and 8th grade band students auditioned for the Southwest Missouri Music Educators Association Honor Band. The students...