BOA St. Louis Lodging/Preliminary Info
The Bands of America St. Louis Super Regional, our final competition of the season, is just under a month away. We do not yet have our...
Homecoming Week
Next week is a busy week. The school is involved in a lot of activities and the band is in the middle of a lot of it. In addition, we...
2017 District Honor Band Cuts
These are the cuts for district honor band auditions held November 7th. Flute: Etudes: p. 52 #9 Presto- start on line 3, m.4, beat 2 and...
Carl Junction Marching Festival
Our first competition is upon us and will be at the Carl Junction Marching Festival on Saturday, September 30! The schedule is as...
Help Support the Band
As a fundraiser we have partnered with Fan Cloth. A portion from each sale will come back to the band. Help support the program.
8th Grade Band Night
8th grade band students will be getting a letter today with the schedule for 8th Grade Band Night held Friday, September 8th at the high...
MSSU Band Day
Our second trip is upon us and will be at the MSSU Band Day on Thursday, August 31st! The schedule is as follows: 1:15 p.m. – Report to...

Arkansas Naturals Performance
Last night the Wildcat Pride Marching Band traveled to Springdale to perform at the Arkansas Naturals baseball game. On the way down...
Sign-up for Text Alerts
We have the following setup on which we utilize to get information out to students regularly: Wildcat Pride Marching Band -...
Car-Mart Fundraiser
Reminder: Car-Mart anniversary car-wash fundraiser is Friday August 18th and Saturday August19th. There are 4 different shifts available...