District Solo/Ens Results
Today we had 32 band and orchestra students travel to MSSU to compete in 20 events at the SWMMEA District Solo / Ensemble contest. 8...
Solo/Ens. Schedule Change
A few times had to change on Saturday due to scheduling. Riley will now be at 9:24 Perc. Ens. 1 will now be at 1:53 Kaleb will now be...
District Solo / Ens. Contest
The district solo/ensemble contest at MSSU is upon us! Our schedule for Saturday, March 10th is as follows: 6:45 a.m. – Arrive at the...
Joplin Chamber Music Festival
On Tuesday, March 6th the Percussion Orchestra will be performing at the Joplin HS Chamber Music Festival. 5:30pm - Students arrive...
Weather Update
Two weather scheduling updates: Due to weather, and the early dismissal, the game is cancelled for this evening. NO Pepcats tonight! In...
NEO JH Festival
The NEO JH contest was listed as April 4th but they had not updated their site. Band and orchestra is actually April 3rd. The band...
Calendar Orders
Band calendar orders have all been distributed to students. If you ordered a calendar you should be receiving it soon.
JH Honor Band Results
Congratulations to the following students who made the SWMMEA JH District Honor Band: 7th Grade Robin Chew (1st chair overall flute)...
JH Honor Band
Break is almost over and that means that JH District Honor Band auditions are ONE WEEK from today! Those will be held Friday January 5th...
Practicing Over Break
ALL STUDENTS: We will open the high school band room for you to practice on the following days over the break: Monday Dec 18 - 9am-11:30am...