Drum Major Audition
Go to the address below for information on the drum major auditions that will be held next Wednesday, April 18th, after school.
State Band/Orchestra Results
Today all large instrumental ensembles traveled to Webb City to compete in the MSHSAA State Large Group Contest. Our Concert Band earned...

2018 Marching Show - In Your Dreams
Click the picture to check out the 2018 marching show - In Your Dreams.
Remind: Text Alerts
Sign up for text alerts, notifications, and reminders. This will be the fastest way we get information to you. Wildcat Pride Marching...
State Large Group Contest
On Tuesday, April 10th the Symphonic and Concert Bands will be traveling to Webb City to participate in the MSHSAA Large Group Contest....
NEO Results
Today was an excellent day for the Neosho Instrumental Music Program. The Junior High Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Orchestra traveled...
4-States Honor Band
Please congratulate the following students who made the 4-States Honor Band. They will participate in an all day clinic and concert at...
JH Contest @ NEO
The NEO instrumental festival is upon us! Our schedule for Tuesday, April 3 is as follows: 7:50 a.m. – Load the bus 8:00 a.m. – Depart...
Pasta & Jazz
All high school band students will be presenting our annual Pasta & Jazz concert April 20th at the Civic. Doors open at 6 with the meal...
Concert Auditions 2018-2019
Monday and Tuesday, March 19th & 20th are auditions for concert ensembles next year. What you need to be able to play: - Flow studies 7 &...