Need Parent Help
Our band boosters need parent help to set-up and to sell apples starting @6:15pm this Friday @ the stadium before and during the game.
Final Week of Band Camp 2018
Final week of band camp. Here is the schedule: Monday - 8am-5pm (BBQ Orders due) Tuesday - 8am-8pm (will provide dinner) Wednesday -...

BBQ Lunch Fundraiser
On Thursday, August 9th the band will be holding a lunch fundraiser. The band is taking order forms till next Monday, August 6th. Each...
Full Band Camp is Here!
Hope everyone had a great summer. Band camp is coming up. Here is the schedule this week July 23-27: Monday & Tuesday - 8-4 -...
Camp Week 1 - Perc/Guard/SL
Percussion, color guard, and section leaders start this week. Here is the schedule: Wednesday & Thursday: Battery 8:30-11:30, Pit...
Marching Show Adjustments
As the visual planning began we were looking at a much longer show than previously done in Neosho. This would have broken down to just...
JH Spring Awards Concert
Our JH Spring Awards Instrumental Concert will be held Tuesday, May 8, at 6:30pm in the JH gym. Students should report by 5:45pm.
State Solo/Ens. Results
On Saturday we took 13 students to compete in 8 different events at the MSHSAA State Solo/Ensemble Contest in Columbia, MO April 26-27. ...
Mid-American Results
Outstanding job today by our junior high band students at the Mid-American Music Festival at PSU. Here are the following ratings:...
State Solo/Ensemble Schedule
State Solo/Ensemble Festival Itinerary Thursday, April 26 1:30 p.m. - You will be released from class, load buses 2:00 p.m. – Depart high...