Pictures will be taken the morning of October 22nd for all high school instrumental students. Marching band will be in their marching...
Valhalla Schedule
Our third competition is upon us and will be at the Valhalla Marching Festival on Saturday, October, 5! The schedule is as follows: 8:45...
District Orchestra
Congratulations to the following students selected to the district honor symphony orchestra which will be held Saturday November 2nd:...
Governor's Performance
On Wednesday, September 25th we will be performing at the middle school for the governor's grant the middle school won. This is the...
Mt. Vernon Schedule
Our second competition is upon us and will be at the Mt. Vernon Mountaineer Marching Festival on Saturday, September 28! The schedule is...
Band Extravaganza!
Our first annual Band Extravaganza! featuring all Neosho instrumental ensembles will be held Saturday, October 12th. This will be a...
Middle School Practice Cards
Middle school band students have been given out their first practice cards over the past two days which are housed in their binders. They...
District Band Audition Cuts
The district honor band audition has made their cuts to the all-state audition music. Those cuts can be found here:...
Carl Junction Marching Festival
Our first competition is upon us and will be at the Carl Junction Marching Festival on Saturday, September 21! The schedule is as...
Mattress Fundraiser
Our first annual mattress fundraiser will be this Saturday, September 7th from 10am-5pm Band students. report @9:30am in 'uniform B' We...