Final Picture Retakes
Our photographer contacted us that parents/students have contacted him that they didn't know there were pictures or even retakes. (Even...
Picture Retakes (Take 2)
If you missed band picture day, then please make an appointment with Jimmy Sexton this week at the Sexton Media Group for a picture:...
Virtual Contest Streaming
Here is the virtual program for the virtual contest we entered: There was an...
Marching Clinic/Performance Oct 17
On Saturday Oct 17th the Wildcat Pride Marching Band will have their final marching clinic from 1-4pm at the south practice field. Our...
Picture Retakes
Students who missed pictures yesterday can stop into the Sexton media group (212 E. Main St.) next Wednesday and Thursday by 5pm to get...
HS District Band Cuts
High School District Honor Band Cuts have been posted. Check them out.
Busy Week
Busy week this week, and some adjustments to our regular schedule: Tuesday - Early morning rehearsal (7am) Wednesday - Early morning...
HS Band Pictures
Next Wednesday, October 7th, we will be having pictures for the instrumental yearbook. Students were given picture order forms today if...
September 26th Clinic
On Saturday, September 26th we will have our first afternoon clinic of the season, and will conclude with an evening performance for...
Mattress Fundraiser Live Event
We will be having our annual band and choir mattress fundraiser on Saturday, October 3rd beginning at 10am. We will have more information...