Drum Major Audition
Drum major auditions will happen Wednesday, April 27th at 3:30. Auditions will be on movement 2 of the show. A recording with click...
MS Band Concert
We found out this afternoon that unfortunately due to district scheduling as well as equipment availability, there will now be a conflict...
Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival
Our final jazz contest of the season is coming up! Our schedule for the Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival Friday, April 22 through...
JH Viking Concert Band Classic
The 8th grade and 7th grade concert bands will be traveling to Springfield, MO to participate in the Viking Concert Band Classic music...
State Large Group Contest
The Missouri State Large Group Contest is upon us! Our schedule for Monday, April 4 is as follows: 11:30 ALL Band students eat first...

Pasta & Jazz 2022
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up, Pasta & Jazz. Enjoy a dinner concert featuring the Neosho jazz bands. Both the Studio...
District Solo/Ensemble
The district solo/ensemble contest at MSSU is upon us! Our schedule for Saturday, April 2 is as follows: 9:15 a.m. – Arrive at the High...
PSU Jazz Festival
The PSU Jazz Festival is Friday, March 4th. Our schedule for the day is as follows: 6:30 a.m. – Load the bus 6:45 a.m. – Depart high...
MSU Jazz Festival
As of now we are still planning on attending the MSU Jazz Festival this Saturday February 26th. This is assuming that weather allows,...
NEO JH Festival
The NEO Instrumental music festival that the JH Band would be participating in tomorrow, Thursday February 24th, has been cancelled. No...